Cobar High School

Vouloir C'est Pouvoir - Where there's a will there's a way

Telephone02 6836 2705

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Cobar High staff and students are committed to Positive Behaviour for Learning.

PB4L is defined as: A range of systematic and individualised strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviour.

PB4L is a process enabling change, through explicit teaching of expectations (academic and behavioural).

School Wide PB4L Goals

  1. Build systems that make it easier to teach
  2. Create environments that encourage pro-social behaviour
  3. Teach all students what is expected
  4. Provide a continuum of behaviour and learning support to students who need more support to be successful

What does a positive, encouraging school look like?

Students know what is expected of them and choose to do so because they:

  • Know what to do
  • Have the skills to do it
  • See the natural benefits for acting responsibly

Adults and students have more time to:

  • Focus on relationships
  • Focus on classroom instruction

There is an instructional approach to discipline

  • Instances of problem behaviour are opportunities to learn and practise pro-social behavior

PB4L School Wide

Essential Features What does PB4L look like?

Statement of purpose

Clearly defined expected behaviours (Expectations)

Procedures for teaching & practising expected behaviours

Procedures for encouraging expected behaviours

Procedures for discouraging problem behaviours

Procedures for record-keeping and decision making

Positive school-wide behavioural expectations

Expectations are defined

Taught and reviewed frequently throughout the school year.

A system of positive reinforcement and recognition at all times by all adults for following the expectations is in place throughout the school.

Where do we begin?

  • Effective Behaviour Support (EBS) survey
  • Baseline year data
  • Discipline referrals
  • Attendance
  • Grades
  • Parent / community input
  • Teacher input
  • Student input